Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fifteen kilometres in less than ninety minutes...

...that might sound like a nice walk on a Sunday afternoon for some of you. For us, it is a real challenge.

Therefore, we decided to sign up for the Zevenheuvelenloop in Nijmegen, which will take place on Nov 18, 2012. That gives us 3 months and 30 days to shape our bodies, get rid of Manu's smoking habits, improve the dutch cuisine and eventually master the hills around Nijmegen.

The first official practice run ended with the following results:
Manu managed to run 3.75k in 26 min and then slowly died on a bench while Laura ran another round with an end result of 7.5k in 46 min.

Be assured that we will post more embarrassing results, reports of tears and anger, detailed pictures of our blisters and hopefully also our progress to reach the goal:

Fifteen kilometres in less than ninety minutes.

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